6 Ways That Fear Can Stop You From Getting Sober
December 29, 2017Relationships In Recovery: Can They Be Successful?
January 16, 2018With the New Year, many people are reflecting on what last year brought to the table. This is the perfect time to reinvent yourself and improve on the life you desire. For many people, addiction stands in the way of becoming who you were meant to be. That makes it the best time ever to get sober.
Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have as you consider whether treatment at Clearbrook Treatment Center is right for you or your loved one.
Here are some reasons you want to get sober right now!
Regain Control
Life has been chaotic and out of control for far too long. Now is the time for you to choose a different path. Imagine the calmer, more productive life you can enjoy this year.
Regain Relationships
Most addicts are facing broken relationships. You may have been blind until right now on how your addiction has hurt others. It’s time to get clean and start over with the people who love you. Mend those fences and rebuild what has been destroyed for too long.
Live a Prosperous Life
Don’t you want to live this year? For many addicts, death is all that is coming in the year ahead. Don’t be one of those statistics of people that overdose or commit suicide; stand up and create a long, prosperous life for yourself.
The sooner you take the steps to get sober, the faster your health will recover. This will bring a new freedom and sense of clarity that you might have never had before.
You’ve Waited Long Enough
How many times have you said that you’d quit tomorrow? What if that tomorrow just doesn’t come? There has never been a better day than right now to lay aside this addiction and take those first steps. Don’t add another day of heartache and regret to your story.
You are Tired of the Struggle
We get it! The struggle gets old. Every day of chasing the same high or bad habits can become exhausting. You live every day with the hardships, financial difficulties, broken relationships and even legal consequences of your choices. Now is the time to end it all.
By beginning the process right now, you know that the year to come has promise and hope. You don’t have to go into the next year with the same struggles, regrets and despair.
You Don’t Want to Lose Any More
Whether it is the money you are throwing away or the relationships you’ve given up, aren’t you tired of losing? You don’t have to give away one more penny, one more job offer, one more person you love. You have the power to maintain what is yours for all your days to come.
Remember all the Special Days of This Year
Instead of spending another year trying to forget the embarrassment of each holiday, why not resolve to create special memories on each of these important dates for this year? Then, when next year comes around, you’ll have fond memories of each holiday and special moment in your life. You won’t have to wonder what you said or did anymore.
You Can Save Money
How much money will you have this time next year if you quit right now? Would it be enough to take that vacation you’ve wanted or put a down payment on a new home? Think of all the amazing things you can do when you stop throwing your money away on alcohol and drugs.
Are You Ready to Stop?
Listen – if you choose to get sober any other time than right this minute, you are just prolonging the inevitable. It is time for you to heal yourself and your life. Here’s what you need to do next:
Enter Rehab
Take the first step to committing to a recovery plan by getting into a quality rehab center. This will ensure that you have the daily support you need to get through the tough early weeks ahead of you.
Make an Appointment with an Addiction Therapist
You are also going to want the guidance of a trusted addiction therapist. They can help you take these first steps and even lead you to the rehab center that meets your needs.
Attend Meetings
By attending a local meeting, you can immediately connect with others who have felt the uncertainty and pain that you are currently feeling. These people will become a strong support system if you allow it.
Make Your Choice Known
Be brave and tell your family and friends that you are ready to quit. By making this a public statement, you are further committing to a new path in your life. It will be hard to go back on your word with all eyes on you.
Research Your Options Online
There are also plenty of online resources if you are having trouble finding the help that you need. Seek help from these resources and find the path that is going to work right for you.
Avoid Old Friends
If your friends are also engaged in addiction, you need to cut them off immediately. These people won’t want you to get better and will ultimately attempt to sabotage your successes.
See Your Doctor
Your addiction might have taken a toll on your body. It is important that you visit with your doctor and face whatever you need to start healing.
If You Delay Your Recovery
By not making this decision right now, you set yourself up for some disastrous consequences. Here are a few things that you could be facing if you don’t stop NOW.
- The situation will continue to deteriorate and get worse. You will inevitably lose even more than you’ve already lost.
- You are at an increased risk of causing significant permanent damage to your body. This can include liver disease, car accidents or sexually transmitted diseases.
- You will continue to hurt others as your addiction progresses. Friends and loved ones will no longer want to be around you any longer.
- Every day you wait is a day you could’ve been enjoying sobriety. You are wasting the successes and triumphs you could be celebrating.
- You are delaying the happiness of yourself and those around you. Don’t neglect the chance to feel the joy of true happiness.
- You might never have another chance. You could die tomorrow or end up in a crash that paralyzes you forever.
Has there ever been a better time than right now to get sober? We don’t think so! A New Year means new possibilities, new paths and new hopes to explore. You can change the entire course of the rest of your life by taking this first step right now.
Don’t wait any longer; you’ve been waiting long enough. Make this the best year you’ve ever had and do it sober!
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Contact Clearbrook Today
If you or someone you know and love is currently struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction, we can help.
With 45 years of experience in treating substance use disorders, Clearbrook Treatment Centers can provide you or your loved one with a quality of care that cannot be matched. From a full medical detoxification program to customized treatment planning, you will be given the necessary tools to achieve lasting recovery.
Please contact our Admissions Specialists today and see what our program has to offer. There is no time like the present to get clean and sober.