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January 31, 2017Making the decision to choose a rehab facility can seem daunting to many people. What facility will you choose? How do you make the choice between an outpatient program and an inpatient program? Outpatient programs typically are less expensive, and allow a client to be near friends, family, and work, whereas inpatient programs require that the client reside in a new place for an extended period of time. What are the benefits for choosing an inpatient treatment program for yourself or your loved one? While there is not a magic formula to treating addiction as everyone has individual needs, here are several advantages to inpatient treatment.
Higher detox completion rates.
Studies have shown that those who undergo drug or alcohol treatment in an inpatient rehab facility are more likely to successfully complete their detox. Rather than having to make the effort to go to a meeting or outpatient treatment once a day, inpatient clients are supported 24/7, and have multiple treatments, therapy sessions, and evaluations every day. It is too easy to make an excuse to skip a meeting. When a client is enrolled in an inpatient facility, they are committed, and have help available at any time, day or night. The American Society of Addiction Medicine cited research stating that inpatient detox is superior to outpatient detox in terms of completion, and Harvard University has also said that this is true, especially when it comes to opioid addiction. At Clearbrook Treatment Centers, detox is done in a medically monitored program that provides round-the-clock nursing and supervision. The program is based upon the belief that addiction is a three-fold disease, one of mind, body, and spirit, and needs to be treated as such.
Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have as you consider whether treatment at Clearbrook Treatment Center is right for you or your loved one.
24/7 Supervision
For many people that are in recovery, supervision, especially early on, can be essential. Clients in an inpatient rehab setting have medical and clinical supervision at all times. Many times, without structure and accountability, addicts with revert back to unhealthy behaviors. Some examples of people who may benefit the most from this type of setting are:
- Those who do not have a strong support network
- Those who are suffering from severe addiction and/or severe withdrawal symptoms
- Those at risk for self-harm
- Those who are pregnant
- Those with a co-occurring diagnosis, such as psychosis or other mental disorder
- Those who have made past attempts of suicide and were unsuccessful
- Individuals with behavioral issues or difficulty with following direction.
Intensity of Care
Evidence has shown that intense care is associated with better recovery outcomes. When someone is surrounded by a nurturing, positive environment dedicated to their success, it becomes much more likely that they’ll complete their treatment. Patients at Clearbrook participate in a rigorous daily schedule, which incorporates a multitude of different addiction therapies. Some of those therapies include group therapy, individual counseling, grief therapy, gender-specific groups, relapse prevention, family educational lectures, didactic lectures, and 12-step meetings, both AA and NA.
Learning to cope with triggers
Every addict has certain triggers which can make recovery difficult, especially in the beginning. They may be stress related, such as home-life, work issues, or financial difficulties. They can also be certain sounds, like a particular song for instance, smells, such as alcohol-based hand sanitizer, or even objects. For example, while lighters, spoons, and tin foil are no bother to the average person, they can all be considered drug paraphernalia, which in turn can become a trigger to someone in early recovery. It would be easy enough to say that none of these triggers exist in an inpatient setting, but that is simply not the case. Yes, certain triggers can be removed in a facility, such as the negative people associated with the addict’s using or unhealthy, stressful relationships. Nevertheless, for the assortment of triggers, each patient is taught the necessary skills and coping mechanisms to best deal with these scenarios when they present themselves. Whether we like it or not, we cannot be fully removed and protected from the outside world. The point is to learn to move past those triggers without having to react negatively, or using a chemical to deal with the unpleasant feeling associated with it. Over time, with much practice, coping with triggers becomes much easier.
New friendships
Part of addiction recovery sometimes involves saying goodbye to people who are no longer conducive to a clean and sober lifestyle. For some, the thought of “getting rid” of old friends is painful, almost like a grieving process, but at an inpatient treatment facility, you have the opportunity to learn to build new friendships. Connection to others and fellowship are the cornerstone to 12 step programs and sobriety. You’ll hear quite often from someone in sobriety, regarding AA or NA, “It is not an I program, it’s a WE program.” Meaning, getting and staying sober cannot be done alone. In an inpatient facility, you will begin to practice building new friendships with others who are experiencing the same journey as you. It is by the support of our peers that we are able to achieve lasting sobriety.
Higher treatment completion rates
Finally, studies have shown that those who are treated in an inpatient facility are more likely to complete their program. In the state of Washington, clients from various programs were interviewed and it was found that seventy-five percent of patients enrolled in inpatient programs completed treatment, whereas only eighteen percent of those enrolled in outpatient programs did.
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Contact Clearbrook For Inpatient Treatment Today
For more than 40 years, our Clearbrook Addiction Treatment Center has been a leader in adult inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. While incorporating a 12 step philosophy into our customized addiction treatment plans, we have had the privilege of watching many recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind.
For more information on how inpatient treatment at Clearbrook can benefit you or someone you love, please contact our Admissions Specialists today. We are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have.