Clearbrook Congratulates Joseph Kane and Kristin Parsons
June 29, 2015
Myths of Addiction and Recovery
August 14, 2015Alcohol rehabilitation is a process that involves medical or psychotherapeutic treatments for alcohol dependency. But there is more to alcohol rehabilitation than just going to a “healing center”. To state the obvious, recovery is a process (not an event). It involves a series of semi-complicated stages, and sometimes there can be fallbacks. And there are cases where the whole rehabilitation is becoming a one-step-forward, two-steps-backwards process. But with determination, honesty, open-mindedness and willingness, alcohol rehab does work, and it can change lives forever.
So what exactly happens in an alcohol rehab program? Here are the stages usually involved:
Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have as you consider whether treatment at Clearbrook Treatment Center is right for you or your loved one.
Initial Assessment | Despite the fact that alcoholics obviously have one thing in common, it’s not just the liquor that defines who they are and what their treatments should be. Each of them still has a unique set of life circumstances, and they’ve all been through different challenges in life. The initial assessment at our drug and alcohol treatment center is conducted to determine the best ways to approach the treatment as well as to generate a treatment plan specific for the person.
Detox | If needed, the detox stage immediately commences in order to cleanse the body of all toxins acquired from excessive alcohol consumption. Detox stage lasts for several days or weeks depending on the progress and reaction of the individual.
Treatment Plan Development | The person will be assigned a counselor, and together they will carefully generate a detailed treatment plan. Treatment goals and concerns are brought up in the meeting. After the plan has been designed and completed, it will be carried out by a team of professionals which typically includes a counselor, a nurse, a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a social worker.
Group and Individual Counseling | This is probably the “heart” of alcohol rehab programs. This is where the individual comes face to face with his own reality and is given the opportunity to accept it and realize that there is hope. This where people are motivated to overcome denial and begin creating change starting within themselves.
Alcoholism Lecture | Because people who are alcohol abusive and dependent generally believe that their drinking is normal, it is crucial to educate them on the real consequences that alcoholism leads to. This is another major stage in helping people admit to themselves that things do need to change and get better.
Life Skills Training | There are people whose lives have been exponentially altered by alcoholism, and they tend to have issues and challenges when it comes to handling anger, stress and frustration. Life skills training helps them gradually get back on track with workshops on anger management, employment skills, social and communication skills, time management and money management.
Relapse Prevention | Relapses happen. That’s just the reality. But during relapse prevention training, the individual is comprehensively introduced to recognizing situations that can trigger the relapse, and is then given tools on how to avoid them.
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Aftercare | Rehab opens up a new life for someone, and it is a huge step. And sometimes, finishing the rehab program is just the beginning of the real challenge. Follow-up sessions or aftercare, which usually involves 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, is designed to support the person and maintain his progress even after the rehab program.