Relapse Triggers & How To Avoid Them
June 9, 2015
Clearbrook Congratulates Joseph Kane and Kristin Parsons
June 29, 2015Suboxone abuse can be as dangerous as abusing the drugs it was initially prescribed to combat. Taking Suboxone other than the way it was prescribed is dangerous and has many ill effects. Just last week we all read about a man that murdered people that were at a church group. Many people talked about reasons that this man did this. Most people did not mention that he has been addicted to pills and more recently Suboxone. We are not suggesting that his abuse of drugs, including Suboxone is the only reason that he committed this heinous act…but it certainly played a part.
The black market is growing in the availability of the drug. Many people who are abusing opiates and cannot get their hands on anymore will do anything to not feel the ill effects of withdrawal. They turn to Suboxone for that and what happens with any addict is they abuse it. It is reported by police departments and courts all over the country that arrests for possession have increased by 1000% in the last seven years.
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We believe that the drug addict that prescribes themselves their own detox program is only digging a bigger ditch. Suboxone can be a tool in helping someone to get off opiates and heroin. It must be done by professionals that are licensed and more importantly ethical in their treatment for the disease of addiction.